Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Today is even more full than yesterday...I cannot wait until Friday. :) I never used to live for the weekend because they were exactly the same as Mon-Fri except more people were home which meant even more work :P
but now! (don't get me wrong..I LOOOOOOVE Zumba!!!!) Having a job, no matter how part time it just different. :) My body is sore and tired (from traveling and not working out for a week and now jumping right back in) but it doesn't matter..I HAVE to be ON. :)

I have something serious to talk to y'all about..I am considering starting a private blog somewhere else...I don't know. I have a lot of emotions running through my body but I want to remain in God's will...I will take it one day at a time and trust God that He will steer me in the right direction.

but for now...I have to go shower and get kids ready for school and the boys ready to go Zumba with me...and then the rest of the day...holy moly, my chest got a little tight thinking about it..DEEP BREATH IN and let it all out. The day will be over around 8 :) That's only a little over 12 hours from now. I can do it! :) :) :) LOL

Have a terrific day! As always, I love all of you..very very much! I don't take my friends for granted, EVER!

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