Sunday, October 3, 2010

it's 10:40 and I am still doing laundry, but I think it is the last load. :) I wanted to leave at 5am....LMBO!!! I don't think sooooo!

we are SOOOOOO excited! We are going to see SO MANY wonderful friends this vacation! I am almost teary eyed thinking about it! The visits will all be short but appreciated! It'll hold us over until the next time. :)

The Rams won today but my race threw me all off and I MISSED IT! UGH! lol
and they played SEATTLE! I LOOOOOOVE beating Seattle!!!!! :)

I am still try to heal a wounded heart. I keep thinking if I don't talk about it, it won't exist. I wish I could just forget.

oh well, on a much happier note...I am going to bed to have sweet dreams and have the best family vacation EVER. We are NOT going to the beach, I don't know why Mike and ever thought that would be a vacation. :P Maybe if we were alone..but with a ton of kids? Um, NO! lol

Don't know when I will be back so you have a fabulous week. I hope I have lots of pictures to share when I get back. :)

oh! I burned 1995 calories in my race, and my time was 2:13:16..not bad. :)

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