Thursday, December 16, 2010

only a VERY best friend can tell me "Robbie, you have absolutely no structure in your life and THAT works for YOU!" :) (and if that sounded mean, trust me, it wasn't!)

that doesn't mean that I don't want structure, or strive for it...LORD DO I STRIVE FOR IT! but I have GOT TO QUIT BEING SUCH A WORRY BEING!

My very best friend informed me how fabulous my household is...
how amazing my children are
what a good Mama I am...

she reminded me to not play the compare game..
it's no fun
does no good

I love my friends.

and I am glad to be back. :)
Alex is sitting on the livingroom floor SURROUNDED by newspapers, cardstock, scissors, notebooks...what a mess. :P
I just took banana muffins out of the oven..oh, the sweet smell! and the taste?  even better!!! I have found the PERFECT banana muffin recipe. :D
Sam is playing her DS sitting next to Alex and her mess.
Mia just left with a friend....wearing her pajamas and snow boots...I guess that was okay? lol
Zach and Siler are wandering around the house in their undies...I put undies on Siler today...SPIDERMAN...I told him Spiderman doesn't want pee or poop on him so let me know if he has to go. :P Alex told me I should sit on Santa's lap and tell him "ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY LAST ONE POTTYTRAINED" (it would be a lie list is looooong :P)

I just got the phonecall that my ZUMBA class is cancelled tonight. BUMMER! I guess that means I should limit the amount of muffins I eat. :P (maybe I should throw in one of my DVDs and see if I can follow it :P lol)

actually I can use that time to practice some new songs! :)

ok, I am going to go love on my boys...and wait for Sam to come take her turn..she is such a love bug!


  1. No structure=FREEDOM....right? That's how i am too! :)

  2. as long as I am able to find socks, underwear, shoes,(for all the children and myself) my cell, and my keys..then I guess so :P lol
