Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gewd Mornin'

I never really talked about the "behind the scenes" of Zumba on here...I think you knew, though, that there were frustrations...(as with ANY job)

well, the skating rink where I got my of tomorrow night....we will not be having classes there is a mutual agreement between the owners and THANKFULLY, there are NO hard feelings :)

I am going to have the girls here in my home...there are just a handful of them so I think it will work :) I am not trying to grow the class here! I think 7 would be a perfect number :) or 6 or 5 :) lol....we'll see how it works out...

ACTUALLY....I don't know if I mentioned it on here...but I have been , pretty desperately, wanting to get Zachary in karate...but the times for his age coincided with Great Skate...I am going to check on the time and see if I can't work it out to be able to take him on Tuesdays and then I can have Alex take him on Thursday...I think this may work out even better than I could have expected :) :) :)

well, I have a TON too do today...I need to get the basement CLEARED out!!! Thank you God that I rented that dumpster when I's not sooooo overwhelming this time around :)

Lots of love and prayers go out to all the victims of tsunamis and tornados....death is so unexpected...:( and those that are left behind without homes and the loss of their loved ones....ugh...I hate my bleeding heart..I shouldn't say's how God created me.

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