Sunday, February 6, 2011

so here is what I know...

church today was AWESOME!
It was exactly where I needed and wanted to be..
I cannot wait until next Sunday!

Guess what the message was about? FAITH. Not joking.
Guess what his next series is on..
Spiritual Gifts...

I was about to fall out of my chair with excitement.

There is a Bible Study starting on the 16th..on Genesis...I invited my husband to join me but I am going regardless..I am soooo excited that I have a family that I just haven't met yet...

and KNOW that the minute I feel like I am being disobedient or rebellious, I am OUT but guys, IT WAS AWESOME!!!! and when I picked my daughters up they were excited and want to go back...
SO! If my husband still wants to attend the other church...that is fine...we will be double church dippers...but I have found the church the kids and I want to attend.

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