went back to the M.A.C. counter last night and got a red lipstick. YEARS ago, red was my signature color..you did NOT see Robbie without red lips..not at the grocery store, not getting the mail...never. sooooo, I thought I would try it again. :) Maybe not as my "signature" color...but "just because". :) The lady at the counter said "it takes confidence to wear red." I decided I would fake it until I make it :P lol (and I am wearing it today and headed to a party...most of the people don't know me so it won't be different to them...we'll see if the hostess says anything. :P)
I fell asleep with the tv on last night. I was watching Pretty Woman...(and kind of giggling because she was wearing red lipstick ;p)...I woke up and Selena was on..LOOOVE that movie...and then Runaway Bride came on....I didn't stay awake for that whole movie but I was up off and on all night....
Married with Children came on around 5 am and I was like "Robbie, turn off the t.v." but I was toooooo tired....then my alarm went off at 6...I let it beep.... a looooong time....and then I just shut it off..(I DON'T DO THAT!!!!) I woke up at 7:20 and was like "OOOOOHMYYYYYGOOOOOSH!!!!!"
I did not lay out kids clothes, I did not gather kids shoes and socks, I did not even make them take baths the night before...and we had to leave at 8:30!!!!
I scrounged up clothes and I do mean SCROUNGED!!! I have dirty clothes from here to there and everywhere....!!!!!!!!!! (well, not anymore..I have sorted them and started the laundry cycle)
I have been SO frustrated at church the last two times I have been there....but I don't have time (as always) to get into it...not the church's fault...I am just not getting "MY" way...I will come back soon to tell.
Have I not told you about my awesome sock system!! i will email you a photo. As soon as i pull a sock out of the dryer I put in a bin labeled (insert kids name) no i don't pair them(unless they are right together when i pull them out)! When the kids need socks they go to there Bin on the dryer and pull them out! It has save my LIFE! I hated the basket of socks. Another thing I do now is keep all there cleats and sports shoes in a bin in the van! So they wear socks till they get in the car and remove there shoes before they get out of the car. That way I don't have to deal with cleats coming in and out of the house and gathering them everyday! Now I know everyday shoes would be more difficult. But when your boys start sports your gonna want to do this!!! Love ya!