Wednesday, November 17, 2010

since our house clean up on Saturday..

the boys have climbed in Mike's chair with a book to read.
the main level has remained tidy with little work..(I still have not "CLEANED" it..but when I decide to, it won't be a chore in itself to get to it)
the 4 youngers and Mike and me played "hot" football in boys' bedroom...lots of fun and no stress because downstairs was tidy.
I made a recipe (mango salsa) the tidy kitchen, without stress..
the girls have been doing nightly Bible devotions because the house is so peaceful , they can....(and without me recommending it which makes me sooooo happy)
mornings have gotten better..

now, I know it is only Wednesday..but I have accomplished a lot upstairs while maintaining the main level and frankly, between the house "tidying" and Zumba....I am tired...I will keep you updated on the house when I actually maybe implement some type of house "cleaning"...

our front dining room is so job is to go to the basement and find this thing we want to hang on the was given to me by someone very special...we used it over our bed in Fort Smith but we never hung it here because we were waiting for our room to ..well, WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED ON IT IN 3 and 1/2 years!!! so we are using this 3 candle holder thing in our dining will practically be the first thing people see when they walk in so I better get some pretty groovy candels :) lol

we are going to our first neighborhood progressive dinner this social, meet sounds like I could get into it :)

I need water..gonna run. :)

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