Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's one of those 2am days....I hope I am able to fall back asleep at some point.

Yesterday a girlfriend came over at 11am...we didn't waste time and got to work...and worked 8 hours straight....on my house...I thought I had come a loooong way (and I have) but didn't realize how much farther I had to go...OH MY GOSH!!!!

Basically I was setting myself up for failure..I had some of my "office" here and some there and some on my headboard and some in my laundry room and she made me an office outside my bedroom door, at the top of the stairs...I would have NEVER thought of it!!!! It's crazy how it fits and I WOULD HAVE NEVER THOUGHT OF IT!

She decided that the pencil sharpener DOES NOT go next to the TV in the front room and nailpolish DOES NOT go in the bread cabinet....:/ AND she semi-permanently ATTACHED  the brush to the bathroom sink!!! We will NOT hunt for it in the a.m. EVER AGAIN!!!! hallelujah!

I will post pics soon but, even though I woke at 2am..I am soooo zonked and my body is too tired to reach over and grab my camera and snap the picture and upload it.

I have a furniture store in my front room...and wait until you see the load leaving this Tuesday....I don't think my 7 bags last week measure up!!! AND I AM STILL NOT FINISHED!!!!!!!

Zumba is going great..better than's awesome, amazing!!!

I need addresses e-mailed to me if you are wanting a DVD....OLUVR, and SASSY, yours should arrive far I only have 30 minutes and the DVD is not fabulous...but I should have an hour one coming shortly :)

well, I have more to say but I won't. :) Just know that I am making SLOOOOOOOOOOW progress in my healing and forgiving department...but it is progress. :P

xoxoxoxoxoxxo Much Love to YOU.


  1. If you have any furniture to get rid of please let me know. Our church is trying to furnish a room for our interns. Thanks!

  2. Sounds like a lot was accomplished! Can't wait to see pictures:)

  3. So excited to get the video! Im only making it htrough 15 min of a 30 min yoga video now so it will go perfect! :)
